“Ganglia” is my attempt at goofy, Raymond Scott-esque, “cartoon jazz,” and was composed as background music for a model build video.
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April 15th, 2021 by Corey A. Edwards
“Ganglia” is my attempt at goofy, Raymond Scott-esque, “cartoon jazz,” and was composed as background music for a model build video.
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January 30th, 2015 by Corey A. Edwards
March 4th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards
A while back I brought Nokogirin and Godzilla’s Gang to your collective attention. What I didn’t mention is that Nokogirin was not the only of the series I’d managed to round up. Minus the eponymous member, I have managed to “collect them all!”™
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February 1st, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards
The Japanese have some fascinating and large bugs on their islands. Is it any wonder these wonderful animals would figure to a noticeable degree in their sci-fi and fantasy?
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September 20th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards
(click through for variations)
Ah, Redking, foe of Ultraman and your brother and sister monsters alike. Oh, Redking: you of the wobbly head and snarky disposition. Yes, Redking – so called because of your utter lack of red coloring (at least in all the initial incarnations). Hey Redking, where you goin’ with that tower in your hand?
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September 17th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards
A long time ago, when I was just getting into Japanese toys (and still had things like Spawn figures in my collection – *shame!*) I ran across a doll from Xebec toys (a branch of Kaiyodo) called “Mr. No”.
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September 16th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards
(click through for variations)
A recent, birthday-related-cum-ill-advised shopping trip on YahooJapan provided me with four new additions to my Japanese toy collection and an exchange-rate hangover.
Here’s #2: Bat Otoko from the Kamen Rider series. This is the reissue, not the original – hey, what am I? Made of money?
Bat man. In Kamen Rider he’s a bad guy, in case you couldn’t tell. I like this toy because it is so incredibly ugly.
September 15th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards
(click through for variations)
A recent, birthday-related-cum-ill-advised shopping trip on YahooJapan provided me with four new additions to my Japanese toy collection and an exchange-rate hangover.
Here’s #1: Skull Star from the Tiger Mask series. He’s a wrassler, folks. Stand back.
Nice to have something that adds to two collections at once: vintage Japanese vinyl and skulls.
Do I need an intervention or what?
August 9th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards
A while back I purchased a great little book of Japanese monsters, shown in cross-section, in an attempt to shed a little light upon just what it is that makes them tick.
Great concept. Hours of fun.
The only problem is, the darned thing is all in Japanese! The nerve of these people! (they also made a mistake and printed the whole thing backwards – someone lost his job at the printing house that day, I can tell you)
Anyway, I took it upon myself to decipher those inscrutable little squigglies that littered the page and present to you here the few I manged to get through before passing out with exertion. Phew. My brain. (be sure to click on them for a closer view)
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March 20th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards
(part of a series on the advertising character toys of German shoe maker Salamander AG)
Piping der Zwerg – I can only assume it’s not pronounced “Piping,” as in “who’d like a plate of piping hot dwarf?” but “Pipping.”
Further, though “zwerg” translates roughly to “dwarf” in English, I really think the little bugger is more gnome-like – but who am I to nitpick? Dwarf, Gnome, Brownie, Creepy Little Dude – it’s all the same in the long run.
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March 18th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards
(part of a series on the advertising character toys of German shoe maker Salamander AG)
Hopps der Frosch – the frog – is another in a series of often naked-but-for-their-shoes advertising characters from the German shoe-maker, Salamander AG.
Part of a group of six vinyl toys, Hopps is described as leader Lurchi’s best friend, curious, cheeky, and adventurous. Given what I’ve seen from the rest of the group’s sculpts, Hopps is actually *less* cheeky than most of the others … but maybe they weren’t referring to his rump.
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October 8th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards
That’s right, get your shoes and socks on, people: it’s time once again for me to approach on bended knee (you try that – it’ll ruin your pants, I tell you … ) and beg, with great, big, brown puppy-dog eyes, for you to consider, with an appreciation approaching worshipfulness, my 6th and final, kinda-sorta annual, calendar offering.
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June 28th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards