# # Poetry Archives - coreyshead

Brother, I Can See Your Skull.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull. - The Coreyshead Blog

Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

Clumsy Spiders

July 11th, 2024 by Corey A. Edwards

Clumsy spiders
crawl the ceiling
When one trips
it falls, pinwheeling
down your neck
or in your hair
Slumbering mouths
had best beware
for this light snack
unlooked for treat
will climb your tongueClumsy spider
with eight clawed feet
to flee in fear
past sleeping lips
with tickling, hairy
pedipalp tips
And should you snore
grind, or inhale
as in your mouth
the creature scales
your fate entwined
with it shall be
waking unaware
yet less hungry


Of Course We Are Sick

June 11th, 2014 by Corey A. Edwards

Of course we are sick.

The inevitability of our course left no alternative

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Spider Leg

June 4th, 2014 by Corey A. Edwards

Spider LegIn the shower
in the wall
on the plastic shell shelf
of the shower stall
I spy thee, spider leg

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Spin Black Groove

May 19th, 2014 by Corey A. Edwards

Spin Black Groovespin black groove
wax and wane
unwound by a needle
again and again

spin black groove
bump and restart
flip to 2 B
in time with my heart

spin black groove
tick tock imperfection
analog warm
ever growing collection

vibrate stylus
vinyl gloss
special treatment
minimize loss

180 gram disc
platter static brush
this one’s a favorite
now sit down, hush

spin and return
round out and renew
drop pop crackle
spin black groove

cae 5-19-2014


May 15th, 2014 by Corey A. Edwards


I’m looking at my copy of
Exterminator! by William S. Burroughs
the white bordered Penguin version from the 80’s
with the upside down painting on the cover
or, rather
the painting is OF someone
upside down

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Radio Silence

March 15th, 2014 by Corey A. Edwards

Radio Silence

radio silence
you know it
because you can hear it
silence like someone left a window open during a storm
silence like a mic full of reverb in a fat room
silence like a man in search of a lozenge
back’a th’throat, meditative like
aural snow
radio silence

Portrait of that Guy on Usenet (you know who I’m talking about)

December 7th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

Oh, yeah.
You totally had to be there man,
these young people,
I mean,
these young people just don’t
l mean,
you know?

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My Kitty

September 26th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards


My kitty rests on cashmere
my kitty sleeps on silk
A crystal bowl set out for him
holds clover sweetened milk

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Tomorrow’s Yesterday Yet Gone

September 16th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

tomorrow's yeseterday

I have today off
tomorrow but it’s
tomorrow’s yesterday
I’m on
and perhaps
this is the reason
all the future’s past
ain’t gone
I could spend
about an hour
contemplating all
this on my lawn
until the past’s
coming tomorrow
is my yesterday
yet gone

An Open Letter To My Brain

July 18th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

Open Letter To My Brain
You never stop and
though I love you greatly
it seems that it’s always
what have I done with you lately?

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July 4th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards


Out the window
what do I spy?

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February 25th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards


My peacoat eats.
Its pockets, worn with extra nostrils,
frayed and torn, in which to drop
so many things. A wooly plop
past satin strings to gutters dark
and snakes of lint, upon which never
light does glint.

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So Much For Heaven

September 14th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards

So Much For HeavenDisturbed? Horrified? Nauseous? Click for more.


he contemplates his inner self
forsooth to shore his mental health
and there within he finds a shelf
upon which there is nothing
a fancy speck of nothing

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Mausoleum of the Muse

February 13th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards

at this age
in this stage
I feel like
a ghost
a museum
for a personality
that never
fully materialized

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in vino macula

December 31st, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

The Worst of Tines


Inveterate invertebrates
reverberate inebriatedly
in late hour-debate
the long lines of
their fork tines’
entwined designs
refined by
warm wet wine
and rippled lips
that sipping
scrape and nip
at the wobbling drips
which slip and slop to drop
splashing gaily and
blossom staining
the plain of the
coarse cotton
tablecloth’s demesne

cae 2011


December 30th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Too Many


the scribbler dribbles
terse and taut
in scripted knots
and curdled clots
upon the page
so strange
he writes away
derangement’s fray
which fragments then
a deeper thought
for praise
in cash
that helps him

cae 2011

Tell Me Your Troubles

October 4th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Popy Gan Gara Ganchan diecast

Popy Gan Gara Ganchan diecast

I’ve heard ’em all, sir. Every one.
The cheating wife, the stubborn son,
the stupid boss; the kitchen sink.
You take a seat, order a drink
and, soon enough, you lend my ear
to troubles soaked in scotch and beer
One mug, two mug, three mugs tossed
straight down the hatch: hell with the boss!
You’ll learn that boy. You’ll kick his ass;
replace your wife with some young lass.
You pound the bar and slap my arm.
Bleary and weak, you’d bet the farm
your new friend (me) can cure all ills.
In sooth reverse: you pay my bills.

Always Only Ever Now

September 26th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Always Only Ever Now - Jellies, Maui - 2011, August

Always Only Ever Now – Jellies, Maui – 2011, August

Through the layers
of chronos’ skin
we hunt for meaning
and space within
but every step
ignored and thin
is where it ends
where it begins
The only moment’s
the one we’re in


July 16th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

I dreamed about you last night

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June 29th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Summer: The Ditch - circa 1970


Summer days stung
with sweet leaf chewing tobacco
the bitter blood of choke cherries
and crisp stalked asparagus purloined
like the shade we find and eat it in

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