# # coreyshead - Page 16 of 25 - Just another fist-full of lips on the weekend.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull. - The Coreyshead Blog


March 1st, 2010 by Corey A. Edwards


A giant snail. What’s cooler than that?

My picture of it, that’s what.


February 28th, 2010 by Corey A. Edwards


One of the last toys I ever bought, the Bandai, B-Club reissue of the Bullmark Aboras was long sought.

Something about this toy’s whimsical grin (at least on one side, the other side of his face is rather unfriendly, as if the sculptor was of two moods during the process … or just inept) has always pleased me to no end.

The toy has spent the last few months perched on a living room stereo speaker (the only figure toy in evidence in my home proper) in the hope that it would inspire me.

It has. I hope you like the results as much as I do – more of the same is on the way.

Gasp ~ Barb ~ Growth

February 24th, 2010 by Corey A. Edwards





December 23rd, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

Much to my dismay, my computer is in a coma.

Until such a time as I can afford to get it fixed, you can count on my blog, along with the rest of my online activity, to be curtailed significantly.

Happy Holidays …

We Have A Winnah! (Totally Stupid Contest)

December 18th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

Last night I received both an email and text message stating:

Hyde and Sikh – or Hide and Sikh, if the book is leather bound

Which was so painfully close I urged the guesser on.

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A Totally Stupid Contest

December 14th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

The above is a visual pun.

The first person to correctly guess said pun will receive a free item of mine via cafe press – that which is available is not limited to what can presently be found at my store but includes any and all images at coreyshead.com.


(clue = a childhood pastime)

people who are me or who were around when I was making this (I’m looking at you, Mel) are prohibited from playing.

Hidden Valet

December 2nd, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

Nostalgic Heroes “Tetsujin 26”

I wonder – was he riding that bike or does he just maintain it?

If the former, then how does he get around the deck support? Was he assembled down there?

Mebbe there’s another egress …


November 30th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

Bandai “Hanejiro”

This was a very simple set-up, as I’m sure you can imagine: A basic head-on with lots off diffuse light on my subject, then a simple two-part layer of the wall and a slight mask of the window to insert the toy.

So simple I almost felt like I was cheating.

For a final effect, I cut out a large section of the top window, which I applied to Hanejiro via a clipping mask, then brought said layer’s opacity down until the toy looked like it was behind the window.

A little bit of stenciling to include my sig and: voila.

I may like this shot best of the three I did this weekend even thought it was so danged easy: the unexpected, goofy charm of Hanejiro’s face up in the window … it perfectly embodies my attitude and aim when making these ridiculous pics …


November 29th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

Medicom RAH “Dada”

I’ve had this shot (hell, all this week’s outside shots) for a long time and have “published” a few of them before, sans toys of course.

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End of the Tunnel

November 29th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

B-Club “Zarab Seijin”

I’m not quite sure how this happened. Something about a request for me to come up with another calendar of toy pics and then my realizing, for the first time since I put one together, that I didn’t have 12 new pictures.

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#15: Citrene and Quartz

November 26th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

Somehow … back at it.

November 24th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

B-Club “Daigoro”

The next thing you know I’m paging through old backgrounds and snapping pictures of a toy, my mind awhirl with projects, themes, and other forms of sheer pointlessness.

It’s this kind of stuff that “holds me back” and ensures that I’ll never “make it.”

But you know what? I don’t really care anymore. They’re just too fun to make.

(my daughter says he needs a package)

Whip Out Those Pocketbooks

November 22nd, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

It’s that time again: the fourth annual Corey’s Head Toy Calendar is now available.

17″x11″ this full-color guide to the seasons features “artwork” by yours truly and is printed on actual paper using some kind of ink! What an amazing world!

Due to a lack of time, this year’s calendar features one new picture and eleven other, gloriously ancient (yet previously unpublished) images of toys I paid waaaay too much for back when I had a different life.

Come one, come all and snatch yerself up a calendar before Cafepress decides I’m breaking some kind of copyright law or another and yanks my product.

All proceeds (1 miserable buck per calendar) go to yours truly.


The Chairman

November 15th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

You’ve seen this before – or variations of it, anyway.

This is one of my friends, lovingly referred to by a small knot of Japanese toy fiends as “The Chairman.”

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Hold On To Your Hat!

October 28th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

Nobody shouted it at me but somebody should have.

I’ve heard it a million times before; not when it was relevant, mind you, but rather as simple and hackneyed hyperbole intended to ready me for something often not worth the effort of the cliché.

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Chiburu Chiburu Chiburu (no pepsi: coke)

October 25th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

In case it isn’t clear, I love me some Chibull.

Of all the toys I own, I think I’ve shot more images of the Chibull than any other.

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Mission Statement

October 10th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

When I moved from my home of Larimer County, Colorado to Washington state’s Olympic Peninsula in 1999, I did so with an optimism built on the spine of my young family and a sense that I had an opportunity to reinvent myself.

What I didn’t realize at the time was that my young family’s spine was broken even then and that you cannot reinvent what was never completed in the first place.

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September 30th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

Here’s a neat little chunk of javascript (click the pic!) I discovered recently (and by that I mean on the net, not by writing it).

This is an admittedly lame use of it, given all the ideas learning of it has generated in me. My daughter and I are in the middle of a project together using said script in a far more creative way that I will reveal here as soon as it is complete.

The script is marketed as a magnifier, not as an x-ray. I like it better as an x-ray. Or whatever it is I have it doing here.

Stay tuned!

At Season’s Turn

September 29th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

Peaked sunlight plays
pallid and remorseless
upon the matting of bent grasses
and the scurrying of blown leaves

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Rudraksha & Walnut / Brain & Cranium

September 27th, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

The rudraksha tree grows in Indonesia, India, China, Nepal the Solomon Islands, Mariana Islands, Guam, Rota, Papua New Guinea and Hawaii.

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