# # coreyshead - Page 13 of 25 - Just another fist-full of lips on the weekend.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull. - The Coreyshead Blog

The Neighbor

July 15th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

The Neighbor - Takatoku Bibyun diecast

Takatoku Bibyun diecast

Weird noises come out of his place at all hours and the windows are almost always dark. Some nights you can see little, flickering lights moving around in there like he’s maneuvering about the place with tea lights in his hands and plenty of shochu in his veins.

Oh, yeah he drinks alright. Sometimes alone, sometimes with what sounds like a million angry ghosts but always the next morning: the clatter of glass and aluminum out the back door, down the steps, and into the recycle container, often to overflowing.

He bangs that porch door a lot and, if you look over, he sometimes waves his little, plastic swords menacingly in your direction.

We turn our heads when this happens, politely sucking on our cigarettes, pretending we aren’t amused, interested, or even aware of his bizarre, red costume with the bumpy blue eyes.

You don’t fuck around with a guy like that. Not in San Francisco. Not when he’s … the neighbor.

#21 – in Green Glass

July 13th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards



July 12th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


All Snarled Up

July 11th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

all snarled up


I was digging through the computer one day when I ran across a couple of old images of my daughter that made me step back.

She looked … she was … well, I don’t know what the hell she was doing. I hear hazy explanations now that she got tangled up in chains but, yeah. Okay. All I saw was the possibility for an interesting illustration.

It took me forever to actually get to it but here it is.

more digital illustrations


July 9th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


Bullmark (B-Club) Dodongo

Brian Eno and Rick Holland – Drums Between The Bells – The Recordings of 2011

July 8th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards



Brian Eno, in collaboration with poet Rick Holland, released a new album called “Drums Between The Bells” this 4th of July, giving me more than one reason to revel in noise.

Diverse in scope, “Drums Between The Bells” features numerous approaches to the sound poem, a form Eno has been experimenting with since the release of “Dead Finks Don’t Talk” on his first solo album “Here Come the Warm Jets,” in 1973.

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Pun with Lizards

July 7th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

a reptile dysfunction

So I have this friend who has a thing for lizards and the like …

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Flea Market Finds: Ceramic Tyrannosaurus Rex

July 5th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Ceramic Tyrannosaurus


I’m not really “into” dinosaurs, per se. I mean, yeah, my collection of Japanese toys does feature some creatures that qualify as dinosaur-like but actual, regulation dinosaurs? Not so much, thanks.

That being said, when I spotted this little fellah in the “collectibles” case of the local Goodwill, I had to take a closer look.

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July 3rd, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

I was playing around with some old shots I took in Chetzemoka, a fabulous, public park in Port Townsend, WA, trying to see if any of them were interesting enough to do anything with when this happened (you’ll want to click for detail):


Chetzemoka #2Chetzemoka #3Chetzemoka #1


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Ups n’ Downs

July 2nd, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards





July 1st, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


Don’t even say that!

July 1st, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


I frequently hear people admonishing others or even themselves for voicing a negative possibility.

Now I do understand and believe in the power of positive thought. Optimism is an important component of health and social advancement: perky people prosper.

Of course, this is a generalization – plenty of grumpy jerks make it to the top and live long lives while some incredibly cheerful people contract terminal illnesses and or remain in a state of penury their entire lives. The point is that the former never appreciate what they have while the latter never mind the deficit.

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WiShY wAsHy

June 30th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


Butanohana Chibull Ningen


June 29th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Summer: The Ditch - circa 1970


Summer days stung
with sweet leaf chewing tobacco
the bitter blood of choke cherries
and crisp stalked asparagus purloined
like the shade we find and eat it in

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Garamon Green

June 28th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Garamon Green

Yamanaya Garamon at Fort Casey on Whidbey Island, WA

Overheard Onna Bus …

June 27th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Two young, perhaps mentally challenged, men sit across the aisle from me on the bus.

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#20 – With Wings

June 27th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

With Wings

Long Shadows

June 26th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


June 25th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


“Are you a racist?”

The question comes from the back of the bus. It is not inflected in the way you might expect: no anger, no indignation, no shock; just a loud, open question that hangs in the air like a heavy curtain pulled between those of us in earshot and our lives of careful make-believe.

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Blooming Idiot

June 21st, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards



Bloom – from Brian Eno & Peter Chilvers

I don’t know about you but I spend around 90 minutes a day collaborating with Brian Eno.

No, really.

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