# # coreyshead - Page 10 of 25 - Just another fist-full of lips on the weekend.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull. - The Coreyshead Blog

American Idle – Part the Second; Still In The Basement

June 30th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards


Sharon's Basement 2006


The last few months have seen my return to music creation at the cost of much else in my life. I remain obsessed with regaining – and then hopefully surpassing – all past musical endeavors and, as such, have spent much time in pouring through the audio diary I’ve kept (more off than on these last five years) since 1991.

Thinking quite correctly that the better bits would be at the end rather than the beginning, I started transferring the most recent tapes to digital and sifting through the resulting tracks for nuggets with which to kick start the practice and aim of my renewed passion.

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Gemini: June 21-July 20

June 21st, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards



Gemini, the Twins, is (are?) the third sign of the Zodiac, representing quickness of thought and facile communication –the type of person who blurts out the first goddamn thing that comes into their heads.

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Flea Market Finds: Glass Eye

June 18th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards


Glass Eye


The first time I remember hearing about a glass eye was when my family was sitting around the old rotbox watching Columbo one post-dinner, 70’s eve.

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Aw Nuts

May 19th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards


Broken Empro nut


In recent months, after purchasing some much needed nylon strings for my classical guitar and seeing a youtube video of one of my old songs starting to get some small notice, my interest in composition and pleasure-tweedling, long dormant, was rekindled.

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Taurus: May 13-June 21

May 13th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards



Taurus, the Bull, is the second sign of the Zodiac, representing growth and development.

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You Spin Me Right Round

April 21st, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards

Record Store Day!


Back before you could steal music from the internet, you actually had to go to the effort to drive all of the way into town to shoplift it from a store. And if you were into vinyl, it was a bitch to get that shit under your shirt without anyone noticing.

Oh, record stores, how I miss your once, near ubiquity.

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Aries: April 18-May 13

April 18th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards



Aries, the Ram, is the first and most elemental of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, representing the beginning of all things, much like the warm swelling in your tummy signals on oncoming belch.

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The Facebookening

April 13th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards


Corey A. Edwards alternate Facebook avatars


About the only form of creativity I can find the time to manage these days …

from an ongoing series of Facebook avatars I feel some odd compulsion to keep making: 1, 2, unt 3.

In the 70’s, They’d Whap You

March 27th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards


They would. They’d just walk up and give you a smack.

You start a choking-cough at the table nowadays and people just sit back politely and wait: “Are you okay?” Maybe they reach over and lightly pat your spine. “Don’t try and talk. Have sip of water”

Not in the 70’s, man. In the 70’s, they’d whap you.

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Piping the Dwarf

March 20th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards

(part of a series on the advertising character toys of German shoe maker Salamander AG)
Piping the Dwarf

Don’t worry, kids. I’m not going to kill you!

Piping der Zwerg – I can only assume it’s not pronounced “Piping,” as in “who’d like a plate of piping hot dwarf?” but “Pipping.”

Further, though “zwerg” translates roughly to “dwarf” in English, I really think the little bugger is more gnome-like – but who am I to nitpick? Dwarf, Gnome, Brownie, Creepy Little Dude – it’s all the same in the long run.

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Hopps the Frog

March 18th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards

(part of a series on the advertising character toys of German shoe maker Salamander AG)

Hopps the Frog

Hopps the Frog and his hypnotic, acid-eyed stare.

Hopps der Frosch – the frog – is another in a series of often naked-but-for-their-shoes advertising characters from the German shoe-maker, Salamander AG.

Part of a group of six vinyl toys, Hopps is described as leader Lurchi’s best friend, curious, cheeky, and adventurous. Given what I’ve seen from the rest of the group’s sculpts, Hopps is actually *less* cheeky than most of the others … but maybe they weren’t referring to his rump.

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The Way History is Taught Ought To Be History

March 13th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards


The Way History is Taught Ought To Be History


If you’re like most people, you hated history class. The names, the dates, the strange places, the seeming irrelevance of it all …

Now me, I was one of those kids who actually enjoyed history class. I was fascinated by ancient cultures, human behavior, what has gone before. I’d often sit in class reading ahead in the book or, on my own time, reading in greater depth about that which was being taught. I still enjoy history, considering it as good if not more entertaining than fiction … not that I manage to retain much more than a general sense of what I consume but the minutiae of the past continue to fascinate me.

So, knowing that about me, allow me the heresy of stating that history, as typically taught, is a great waste of time.

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Pisces: March 11-April 18

March 11th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards



Pisces, the Fish, is the thirteenth and last of the Zodiac signs (phew!), representing the merging of the soul with the cosmos and symbolizing a deep belief in the highest powers of the universe, dude.

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Meconial Errata

March 10th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards

Meconial Errata

Color Me Nostalgic – The Coloring Books of Troubador Press

March 9th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards

Morlock Troubador Press Monster Gallery Mark Savee

I recently flashed on a memory of a series of coloring books published by Troubador Press in the 1970’s. Though I have never counted myself as a fan of “coloring,” the designs in these collections left an indelible impression on me.

There is a specific smell that pervades the elementary classrooms of my memory. The thick, heavy scent of broken crayons and reams of low-grade paper. Maybe you’d expect me to focus on the pungent miasma of squirming, unwashed bodies, funky shoes, and forgotten lunches? Maybe with a little bit of puke and piddle thrown in for good measure – but no. When I think “kindergarten,” it is the unmistakable, unavoidable, almost (but not quite) pleasant redolence of crayons and paper that wafts back into my mind.

Not My Vocation

Now, I don’t know about you but I was never all that taken with coloring as a kid. Oh, I had crayons, colored pencils, pens, and markers at my disposal. I just never really moved much past the primitive, “random scribble of color inside (and maybe outside) the frame” approach.

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Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11

February 16th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards



Aquarius, the Water Bearer is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac, representing advanced thought and acceptance as well as wrinkled fingers and damp socks.

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Mausoleum of the Muse

February 13th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards

at this age
in this stage
I feel like
a ghost
a museum
for a personality
that never
fully materialized

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Excerpt From A Story I Can’t Imagine I’ll Ever Write – short fiction

January 31st, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards



Chapter 12

in which we find our heroes on a precarious ledge over the clown pit

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Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16

January 20th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards



Capricorn, the Goat, is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac and represents a serious, mature outlook and an awareness of our relation to the universe, though, on the weekends, the sign spends much of its time downing beers and chasing sorority girls.

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No Chairs? Rip Off!

January 18th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards

No Chairs


Having just moved into a larger space, I’ve spent a lot of time keeping an eye on the local “lightly used” stores.

I’ve not found too much of real interest – but a sense of humor is always a good find.