# # March 2013 - coreyshead

Brother, I Can See Your Skull.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull. - The Coreyshead Blog

Archive for March, 2013

Instrucciones – Installment of Robot

March 28th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

Instrucciones - Detail collage

My interest in Japanese toys has very little to do with actually playing with them.

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March 25th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

Bare wood ceiling with tatters

I have read that it is natural to feel a little uneasy around abandoned buildings, as our instincts promote an awareness of potential danger: why was this place, which was once considered safe to inhabit, left vacant and to rot?

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#30 with CD Collection, 2013

March 21st, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

Self Portrait with cd Collection 2013.jpg

When I was your age the TV went:
“Raaaaaaatch! Ka-tchk-tchk-tchk-tchk!”

March 18th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

Raaaaaaatch! Ka-tchk-tchk-tchk-tchk!

I recently saw a t-shirt (online, of course) that read: “When I was your age the internet went “Skawee Reweert!” I laughed out loud … and still find it odd that I must clarify that by adding: no, really.

But I can go one better: when I was your age the TV went “Raaaaaaatch! Ka-tchk-tchk-tchk-tchk!”

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Ghosts of Blogging Past

March 12th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

here's looking at your skull, baby

I’m sitting on the deck, having my nightcap and checking out the e-verse via my schmaht phone, when an email comes in from a friend: “Hey Corey, I think your blog got hacked.”

Before I can bring my site up to see what they’re talking about, I get a chat from another friend: “Has your blog been hacked?”

Oh, crap.

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Looking a gif horse in the …

March 11th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

sniffin and gibberin

Continuing the theme of a previous post, in late 2005/2006 I began to play with myself … in Photoshop using animated gifs. I used obscure Japanese toys and my own face as subjects most of the time because very little else in the world around me was as outlandish or as willing to be made to look so.

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#29 – Off The Wall

March 7th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards


Strange Toys I Have Known:
Sole of Godzilla’s Gang

March 4th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

Godzilla's Gang

A while back I brought Nokogirin and Godzilla’s Gang to your collective attention. What I didn’t mention is that Nokogirin was not the only of the series I’d managed to round up. Minus the eponymous member, I have managed to “collect them all!”™

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