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Posts Tagged ‘Diecast’

POINK! Spring-Loaded, Japanese Robot Fists!

April 18th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

Poink! Spring-Loaded, Japanese Robot Fists!

Goofing around with the detail collage for my post on the “Instrucciones” poster inspired me to create a few fun (and totally stupid) products utilizing an iconic graphic from one of the instruction sheets: a spring-loaded, Japanese robot fist flying through the air!

I dunno about you but I’m definitely getting one of the shirts

Poink! Spring-Loaded, Japanese Robot Fists!

http://www.cafepress.com/coreyshead – Enjoy!

Instrucciones – Installment of Robot

March 28th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

Instrucciones - Detail collage

My interest in Japanese toys has very little to do with actually playing with them.

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February 20th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

My Gif To You

February 11th, 2013 by Corey A. Edwards

Nightmare Before Christmas Hatchet-Head

‘Round about 2005/2006 I discovered the fine art of shaking the hand of the devi … making animated gifs with Photoshop.

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The Corey’s Head 2012 Calendar of Robots & Monsters

October 8th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


The Coreyshead 2012 Calendar of Robots & Monsters


That’s right, get your shoes and socks on, people: it’s time once again for me to approach on bended knee (you try that – it’ll ruin your pants, I tell you … ) and beg, with great, big, brown puppy-dog eyes, for you to consider, with an appreciation approaching worshipfulness, my 6th and final, kinda-sorta annual, calendar offering.

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Tell Me Your Troubles

October 4th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Popy Gan Gara Ganchan diecast

Popy Gan Gara Ganchan diecast

I’ve heard ’em all, sir. Every one.
The cheating wife, the stubborn son,
the stupid boss; the kitchen sink.
You take a seat, order a drink
and, soon enough, you lend my ear
to troubles soaked in scotch and beer
One mug, two mug, three mugs tossed
straight down the hatch: hell with the boss!
You’ll learn that boy. You’ll kick his ass;
replace your wife with some young lass.
You pound the bar and slap my arm.
Bleary and weak, you’d bet the farm
your new friend (me) can cure all ills.
In sooth reverse: you pay my bills.

Electric Lunch

August 8th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Electric Lunch: downtown Loveland, CO, circa 1910 - Bullmark Blazer diecast

Bullmark Blazer diecast

They said he was from Japan and that accounted for his funny accent but it was clear to me he weren’t no Japaner. They said his metal body was the result of wounds he’d received in a war or some such but I never believed that, not for one minute. Who ever heard of such a thing; a metal body?

He wasn’t a this earth, I tell you, not even this time, maybe. Sell my mother if it aint true.

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July 21st, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Fruit - Bullmark Rockbat diecast

Bullmark Rockbat diecast

I thought he was just a kid goofing around. Just another bozo-button at large and awash in adolescence. You’ve seen ’em; teens, sans supervision in the supermarket, making public fresh for their friends.

But this was different.

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The Neighbor

July 15th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

The Neighbor - Takatoku Bibyun diecast

Takatoku Bibyun diecast

Weird noises come out of his place at all hours and the windows are almost always dark. Some nights you can see little, flickering lights moving around in there like he’s maneuvering about the place with tea lights in his hands and plenty of shochu in his veins.

Oh, yeah he drinks alright. Sometimes alone, sometimes with what sounds like a million angry ghosts but always the next morning: the clatter of glass and aluminum out the back door, down the steps, and into the recycle container, often to overflowing.

He bangs that porch door a lot and, if you look over, he sometimes waves his little, plastic swords menacingly in your direction.

We turn our heads when this happens, politely sucking on our cigarettes, pretending we aren’t amused, interested, or even aware of his bizarre, red costume with the bumpy blue eyes.

You don’t fuck around with a guy like that. Not in San Francisco. Not when he’s … the neighbor.