# # coreyshead - Page 12 of 25 - Just another fist-full of lips on the weekend.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull. - The Coreyshead Blog

#25 Something Worse

October 6th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Something Worse

Tell Me Your Troubles

October 4th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Popy Gan Gara Ganchan diecast

Popy Gan Gara Ganchan diecast

I’ve heard ’em all, sir. Every one.
The cheating wife, the stubborn son,
the stupid boss; the kitchen sink.
You take a seat, order a drink
and, soon enough, you lend my ear
to troubles soaked in scotch and beer
One mug, two mug, three mugs tossed
straight down the hatch: hell with the boss!
You’ll learn that boy. You’ll kick his ass;
replace your wife with some young lass.
You pound the bar and slap my arm.
Bleary and weak, you’d bet the farm
your new friend (me) can cure all ills.
In sooth reverse: you pay my bills.


September 28th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Dirty Dang Bonehead










Helpless head
ever in thrall
Beneath the flesh
a fireball
The skull is but
a porous wall
that can’t contain
the raging squall
of imagination




Always Only Ever Now

September 26th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Always Only Ever Now - Jellies, Maui - 2011, August

Always Only Ever Now – Jellies, Maui – 2011, August

Through the layers
of chronos’ skin
we hunt for meaning
and space within
but every step
ignored and thin
is where it ends
where it begins
The only moment’s
the one we’re in

Fossil Fool

September 22nd, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Fossil Fool - B-Club/Bullmark Aboras vinyl recast

B-Club/Bullmark Aboras vinyl

Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30

September 16th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


Virgo, the Virgin, is the sixth sign of the Zodiac, representing a systematic approach towards existential concerns and a pair of legs you couldn’t get apart with a pry bar.

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#24 Tagua Nut

September 12th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Tagua Nut


September 4th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Ol' Dried-Fruit Head
















Because the world
sleeps, I dream
and consequently,
pass, unseen


FarceBook: Alternate Profile Pics – 32 More

August 27th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

As I continue to submit to the ubiquitous Facebook STD (Socially Truncated Discourse), so too have I continued my practice of creating alternate avatars:


Corey A. Edwards alternate Facebook avatars

Corey A. Edwards alternate Facebook avatars

#23 – Half-Litre

August 23rd, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


Into the Out Of

August 13th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Into the Out Of


I don’t know
but man
it’s like
for me
the deal is
I gotta get
into the
out of
my mind state
to like
be there
being there
and then
it’s like
you know?


more digital illustrations

Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16

August 10th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards



Leo, the Lion, is the fifth sign of the Zodiac, representing radiant creativity, ambition, and a taste for raw lamb.

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Electric Lunch

August 8th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Electric Lunch: downtown Loveland, CO, circa 1910 - Bullmark Blazer diecast

Bullmark Blazer diecast

They said he was from Japan and that accounted for his funny accent but it was clear to me he weren’t no Japaner. They said his metal body was the result of wounds he’d received in a war or some such but I never believed that, not for one minute. Who ever heard of such a thing; a metal body?

He wasn’t a this earth, I tell you, not even this time, maybe. Sell my mother if it aint true.

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#22 For Goodness Saké

August 3rd, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

For Goodness Saké


August 1st, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


Don’t expect to see a buncha flower images from me all of a sudden. Flower photos are like love poems: everyone has one and they all stink.

Or something like that.

Anyway, this is mine: crocus, I think. A nasty pop-culture infection has that name conjuring up memories of a bad Sweet cover: it’s, it’s the ballroom blech!

Peash out.

Miraclon 34th St.

July 29th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Miraclon 34th St.

Bandai Miraclon vinyl


July 27th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


A&W Rootbeer (or was it Shasta soda? some other company?) had at least one commercial in the early seventies featuring clips of early automobiles crashing into each other around the notion of the beverage’s excessive foaminess.

For some reason, these commercials really struck a nerve in me and, though I was never much of a soda fan, I developed an early appreciation for vintage vehicles – particularly ruined ones; the less intact they are, the more riddled with rust, the more interested I become.

This old water tanker rests picturesquely in the front yard of my girlfriend’s rented house. It took me a couple of months but I finally crawled out there with a camera.



July 21st, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

Fruit - Bullmark Rockbat diecast

Bullmark Rockbat diecast

I thought he was just a kid goofing around. Just another bozo-button at large and awash in adolescence. You’ve seen ’em; teens, sans supervision in the supermarket, making public fresh for their friends.

But this was different.

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Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10

July 20th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


Cancer, the Crab, is the fourth sign of the Zodiac (for those of you keeping score), representing deep feeling, protectiveness, and a juicy, tender flesh that’s absolutely heaven with butter.

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July 16th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards

I dreamed about you last night

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