Posts Tagged ‘Materialism’
September 23rd, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards

I’ve been unpacking my stuff over these past few months (yes – I have that much stuff, plus an often hectic schedule) and this, in conjunction with now living in an environment that is almost entirely up to me, has gotten me thinking, once again, about … stuff.
I’ve spent the last 15 years or so living in a state of barely contained chaos. My roommate of said period is extremely unorganized and has a tendency towards the deadly combination of procrastination and knee-jerk consumerism, meaning our house was perpetually cluttered and filthy.
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Tags: Consumerism, Materialism
Posted in Autobiography | 4 Comments »
July 31st, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

Whew. What a month.
It started out normally enough but, by the evening of the third, there was a fundamental shift: for all intents and purposes, I was rendered homeless by divorce.
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Tags: Conservation, Divorce, Materialism, Parenting
Posted in The Necessary Year | 2 Comments »
July 29th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

I used to watch a PBS show called Connections, hosted by James Burke, in which they would follow a trail of interconnected events from past to present, necessity to invention, obscurity to ubiquity, explaining things like how the chastity belt lead to the modern miracle of aerosol cheese.
I loved the show and, though I retained none of the information it imparted, I still reflect on the general concept from time to time; the gestalt of cause and effect, like a butterfly’s wing causing a hurricane.
It is a fascinating way to ruminate over circumstance and, that being so, one can always find examples in their own life over which to ponder, for instance:
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Tags: Conservation, Materialism
Posted in The Necessary Year | No Comments »
July 21st, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

When I began TNY, one of my intentions was to avoid going places and doing things that cost money.
Early on, however, I realized that this would be easier written than done as I am not alone in this life.
Consequently, I ended up taking my daughter on a few trips to Seattle and various venues there that featured, among other things, entry fees.
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Tags: Cheating, Conservation, Materialism, Parenting
Posted in The Necessary Year | No Comments »
July 18th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

I up and went and done it. Yessir. I purchased myself a dolly (or hand truck -or even hand cart, if you wont have any truck with the former) for my impending move.
Said truck has an adjustable handle, pneumatic tires (which is good ’cause the oldmatic ones tend to blow out at high speeds in the curves), an 850 lb capacity, and it can be converted into a flat cart.
First I will tell you how long I have wanted one of these things, then I will attempt to justify buying one, now.
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Tags: Conservation, Divorce, Dolly, Handtruck, Materialism, Moving
Posted in The Necessary Year | 1 Comment »
July 16th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

Ah, fashion.
It used to be the height of good taste and breeding in our culture to sport a full, luxuriant beard. Now such a thing is typically seen only on those who hearken to our society’s more colorful periphery.
For those of us who can grow such a personal decoration, and whom wish to stay within the bounds of fashionable taste, this means shaving.
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Tags: Beard, Conservation, Facial Hair, Materialism, Shaving
Posted in The Necessary Year | 6 Comments »
July 7th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

Here’s a poem I wrote a number of years ago that fairly successfully (if also hyperbolically) outlines knee-jerk consumerism and some of its effects. All it needs is a little frantically paced music and it could be The Necessary Year anthem …
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Tags: Conservation, Materialism, Poetry
Posted in Poetry, The Necessary Year | 2 Comments »
July 3rd, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

The other day I was listening to some random music with my daughter when a track by a certain group came on (Tin Hat – used to be Tin Hat Trio) which led to a discussion about the vocalist (and violin player – Carla Kihlstedt), which led to a discussion about another band said artist is in (Sleepytime Gorilla Museum), which was followed by a serendipitous email from a Seattle venue that is hosting a concert by the latter (tonight at Neumos – no, I’m not going: TNY), which led, in turn, to me doing something I hadn’t done in seeming bloody forever: seeing what, if anything, said groups/artists have put out in the last few months or so, not to mention others.
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Tags: Conservation, Materialism
Posted in The Necessary Year | No Comments »
June 25th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

Do you ever rub your eyes?
You know, balling up your hands and working those knuckles gently but firmly into the muscles of your eye sockets until the skin is red and tender? I also use the sides and pads of my thumbs, even the heel of my hand to work away a fatigue I often don’t even know exists until I begin massaging it away.
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Tags: Allergies, Conservation, Eyes, Materialism
Posted in The Necessary Year | 5 Comments »
June 23rd, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

Have you ever been physically addicted to anything?
If not, pat yourself on the back for having avoided one of the more annoying pitfalls of corporeal existence and continue to endeavor to stay addiction free because breaking the chains of a physical addiction is a pain in the butt.
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Tags: Addiction, Conservation, Food, Materialism, Nicotine, Smoking, Tobacco
Posted in The Necessary Year | 2 Comments »
June 22nd, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)
As mentioned previously, no man is an island and further, being a family man, there are certain financial obligations that are simply unavoidable but that would otherwise seem to be flying directly in the face of The Necessary Year.
Certainly I could play the immovable object and insist that the earth and everyone on it revolve around my whims but I don’t function like that. I believe that one can hold true to their core ideals without being a pain in the ass to those around them – and that the world is often a better place when you do.
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Tags: Conservation, Family, Materialism, Parenting, Socializing
Posted in The Necessary Year | No Comments »
June 20th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

Ah. The residence. Shelter: one of my base three requirements. Talk about a necessity – especially up here in “dang, is it raining again?!?” country.
For the past ten years, I have been living near and working in a community that has a lot of folks living what the rest of the US would consider alternative (if not just outright whacked) lifestyles. I don’t mean same-sex partnerships or tinfoil hats (although there is plenty of that around here, as well) but living with a concerted emphasis on being “green”, with “green” meaning everything from how they try to live in harmony with the environment to the color of their teeth.
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Tags: Conservation, Divorce, Housing, Materialism, Renting
Posted in The Necessary Year | 2 Comments »
June 15th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

I had a pretty good weekend – I hope you did, too.
Sunday was Father’s Day and, while my dad was out of town, I was still able to call him and chat for a few minutes. It was great to hear his voice even if it was over a lousy cell-phone connection.
I wasn’t too close to my dad while growing up – much the opposite to be honest – but now, with both of us adults and decades of experience between the was and is of our lives, we’ve grown to not only respect but like each other.
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Tags: Conservation, Father's Day, Materialism, Parenting
Posted in The Necessary Year | 5 Comments »
June 13th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

And I thought cutting back on fluids was hard. just announced a new CD and I’m sitting over here having a hard time with the reality that I’m going to have to wait a year to order it.
I’ve never done that before. Waited, I mean. Not for a new Zappa album.
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Tags: Collecting, Conservation, Frank Zappa, Materialism, Music, Toys
Posted in The Necessary Year | 2 Comments »
June 12th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

Here are some interesting questions from one “Ms Sunshine”:
Since you took it a step further and seriously rationed your coffee and food, have you also curtailed your driving (i.e., only going to grocery store on way home from work, no joyrides, etc.)?
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Tags: Conservation, Frank Zappa, Materialism, Tea
Posted in The Necessary Year | No Comments »
June 11th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

Employment’s Necesities
I am presently employed as a graphic designer at a magazine, though it was not long ago that I was manager of a bookstore and, given the nature of our economy and the general stability of periodicals, there is no telling what job I’ll have when next I post to this blog – or if I‘ll be lucky enough to be employed at all.
But the question is, what does my job – or my career – require me to have?
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Tags: Conservation, Employment, Materialism, Travel
Posted in The Necessary Year | 3 Comments »
June 10th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)

I thought I was pretty clear in my opening post and in the “About Me” portion of this blog, but obviously I wasn’t; too many people keep asking me the same question.
“Why are you doing this?”
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Tags: Conservation, Materialism
Posted in The Necessary Year | 5 Comments »