Me: ” … it was absolutely terrible.”
Him: “What’s the difference between absolutely terrible and relatively terrible?”
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September 16th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
September 15th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
September 10th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
“Oh, dammit.”
“What’s the matter?”
“There’s something I was supposed to forget but I can’t remember what it was! Oh, wait, now I remember … dammit!”
September 4th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
August 31st, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
Shape Shifter by Jennifer Umphress (
I love this stuff and hope to make her show at the Vetri in Seattle, Sept 2nd through the 22nd. Check it out, if you can.
August 30th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
I’ve got this cat named Ralph who enjoys doing hair. (actually he’s my daughter’s cat but, well, he seems to have adopted me, so … )
Whenever my ex-wife would step out of the shower, Ralph was there, ready to suck the water out of her tresses. He treats me much the same but, faced with my glossy pate, prefers to lick the moisture from the follicles on my legs.
Further, even without the added incentive of water, Ralph seems attracted to the hair of dolls, which he will gnaw and pull at repeatedly until, well, we all like to think of him as a frustrated stylist.
August 29th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
I could see them from my second-story office window: a young man and woman, scruffy, bohemian. She in dirty yellow dreads that dangled from her head like dead vines, he in a cotton cap and sunglasses, slack-jawed.
She was buxom and in a stained, brown miniskirt that was lifted up in the rear by her fanny pack, revealing … I couldn’t tell from my height and distance but I squinted at the sight, trying to determine what it was I was seeing.
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August 23rd, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
What does it meant to be 40?
I’m still in a bit of a fog about it – where did my 30’s go?
Oh, yeah. That’s right: I spent them preparing to be unprepared to be 40.
So: what does it meant to be 40?
Newly divorced, a broken tooth in my head that’s beginning to sing, and no money to fix it.
Last night I locked myself out of my apartment and had to crawl in through the window, all because I needed toothpicks to check the readiness of the cake in the oven.
Happy Birthday, y’silly, old bastard.
August 7th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)
A few of you have written to say “Hey – you’re not posting!” To which I’ve had to reply; “I’m not sure what to do about TNY, now. I mean, it’s not an exercise anymore – it’s reality! Plus I’m totally distracted with my personal life at the moment.”
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July 31st, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)
It started out normally enough but, by the evening of the third, there was a fundamental shift: for all intents and purposes, I was rendered homeless by divorce.
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July 29th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)
I used to watch a PBS show called Connections, hosted by James Burke, in which they would follow a trail of interconnected events from past to present, necessity to invention, obscurity to ubiquity, explaining things like how the chastity belt lead to the modern miracle of aerosol cheese.
I loved the show and, though I retained none of the information it imparted, I still reflect on the general concept from time to time; the gestalt of cause and effect, like a butterfly’s wing causing a hurricane.
It is a fascinating way to ruminate over circumstance and, that being so, one can always find examples in their own life over which to ponder, for instance:
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July 25th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)
[UPDATE: I just learned that the entire new Melvins album is available, streaming for FREE at this site (as of 7/27/08, anyway). Gawd I luv the innernet!]
I’ve been avoiding internet sites and stores for this very reason: to not be tempted.
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July 21st, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)
When I began TNY, one of my intentions was to avoid going places and doing things that cost money.
Early on, however, I realized that this would be easier written than done as I am not alone in this life.
Consequently, I ended up taking my daughter on a few trips to Seattle and various venues there that featured, among other things, entry fees.
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July 18th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)
I up and went and done it. Yessir. I purchased myself a dolly (or hand truck -or even hand cart, if you wont have any truck with the former) for my impending move.
Said truck has an adjustable handle, pneumatic tires (which is good ’cause the oldmatic ones tend to blow out at high speeds in the curves), an 850 lb capacity, and it can be converted into a flat cart.
First I will tell you how long I have wanted one of these things, then I will attempt to justify buying one, now.
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July 16th, 2008 by Corey A. Edwards
(this post is part of an aborted 1 year experiment in material abstinence I called The Necessary Year)
Ah, fashion.
It used to be the height of good taste and breeding in our culture to sport a full, luxuriant beard. Now such a thing is typically seen only on those who hearken to our society’s more colorful periphery.
For those of us who can grow such a personal decoration, and whom wish to stay within the bounds of fashionable taste, this means shaving.
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