# # Calendar Archives - coreyshead

Brother, I Can See Your Skull.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull. - The Coreyshead Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Calendar’

Coreyshead 2013 Calendar of Distortions

November 27th, 2012 by Corey A. Edwards

The Coreyshead 2013 Calendar of Distortions.

Awreety, awright – it’s time once again for me to pimp my wares (as opposed to “where’s my pimp?”) and offer you with absolutely no shame dsplayed, my 7th “annual” photography calendar.

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The Corey’s Head 2012 Calendar of Robots & Monsters

October 8th, 2011 by Corey A. Edwards


The Coreyshead 2012 Calendar of Robots & Monsters


That’s right, get your shoes and socks on, people: it’s time once again for me to approach on bended knee (you try that – it’ll ruin your pants, I tell you … ) and beg, with great, big, brown puppy-dog eyes, for you to consider, with an appreciation approaching worshipfulness, my 6th and final, kinda-sorta annual, calendar offering.

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Ahead Of The Curve (and pimping like mad)

September 16th, 2010 by Corey A. Edwards

Remember, back in the days before the internet, when your friends and neighbors would have to slog all of the way to your door in order to attempt to guilt you into buying something you never wanted and didn’t need?

Well not any more – isn’t modern convenience something?

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Whip Out Those Pocketbooks

November 22nd, 2009 by Corey A. Edwards

It’s that time again: the fourth annual Corey’s Head Toy Calendar is now available.

17″x11″ this full-color guide to the seasons features “artwork” by yours truly and is printed on actual paper using some kind of ink! What an amazing world!

Due to a lack of time, this year’s calendar features one new picture and eleven other, gloriously ancient (yet previously unpublished) images of toys I paid waaaay too much for back when I had a different life.

Come one, come all and snatch yerself up a calendar before Cafepress decides I’m breaking some kind of copyright law or another and yanks my product.

All proceeds (1 miserable buck per calendar) go to yours truly.
