# # patrickkipper.com

Brother, I Can See Your Skull.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull. - The Coreyshead Blog


I just finished a website for Patrick Kipper, a master bronze art patineur with over 30 years experience in the field of bronze patination and the science of fine art conservation.

This project, among others, may help to explain why I have been a bit absent of late. As I continue to expand my freelance business (fingers crossed), I can only expect such lapses to continue.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term “patina,” in this case it refers to the intentional coloration of a bronze surface with the intent to either mimic that which would naturally occur from age and exposure to the elements or to colorize and offset said surface more fancifully.

For a short period of time I did patina for a living and can tell you it was one of the most rewarding and frustrating jobs I have ever had.

During this time, I had the opportunity to attend one of Patrick’s workshops (actually, those of us in the industry tended to refer to him as “Kipper”) and also came to know him to a small degree through work related association. Despite being phenomenally busy and the potential for a person of his stature to safeguard his hard won secrets, Patrick was always willing to lend an ear and offer advice, even if, through the shame of a neophyte, I was often loath to ask!

Due to the wide-ranging fame of the expertise with which he displays his mastery of the craft, the uninitiated are often tempted to look upon Kipper with reverence and awe but, upon having met him and experienced his warmth, humility, and humanity, it is thereafter difficult to think of him as anything other than an extremely talented friend, and I consider having this opportunity to work for him an honor.

I would also like to thank my good friend, Ren, a talented patineur and artist in her own right, for making the connection between Patrick’s interest in developing a website and my need to find work:

Thank you, Ren – you’re the best.

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2 Responses to “patrickkipper.com”

  1. ren says:

    Just call me Yenta.

  2. Arcstrike says:

    Ohms to the master….
    The website looks great.

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