# # Sinking In

Brother, I Can See Your Skull.

Brother, I Can See Your Skull. - The Coreyshead Blog

Sinking In

Sinking In

I’m not sure what would possess someone to simply abandon a vehicle to the woods but, I guess, if one had little regard for the environment and even less money …

There are a few in the area that I know of, probably many more that I don’t. As a kid I was so fascinated by the rusted out hulks of vintage vehicles that I would occasionally damage my toy cars for just such an effect, then partially bury them in the mud of the sandbox to dry for later, careful exhumation. Faux archeology, I guess. Hey, at least it wasn’t animals or classmates I was burying.

The VW van in the first two pictures sits just off a path near our house and still has much of its glass, if little else, left intact. The lining of the ceiling sags alarmingly and one can only imagine the infestation. There are plenty of belongings still in the van but I couldn’t bring myself to poke around too much – it has been mouldering too long.

Sinking In

Outside the abandoned house I visited a few weeks back there sit two old trucks, one of which has a tree growing up through the floorboards. If it is allowed to continue to sit as is, it will produce a far greater image someday.

Sinking In

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